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All tagged astronomy
New video venture for NBC Mach called "Space. Is. Awesome." In this episode: Tabby's star and alien megastructures.
Myself and Emily Rice host Star Talk Radio with comedian Chuck Nice and discuss our version of #WCW, "Women Crushing It Wednesday".
Weekly post for The Rachel Maddow show featuring the Breakthrough Listen initiative.
Weekly post for The Rachel Maddow Show featuring a new estimate for the number of galaxies in the Universe - up to two trillion!
Weekly post for The Rachel Maddow Show featuring new data from the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA) survey of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field.
Weekly post for The Rachel Maddow show featuring the first data release of the Gaia satellite working to map a billion stars in our galaxy.
I participated in a StarTalk All-Stars panel on "The Science of Star Trek."
Weekly post for The Rachel Maddow Show featuring new results from the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS), a project within the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.
Article for Now.Space on all the previous spacecraft to visit Jupiter in advance of the arrival of NASA's Juno spacecraft on Monday, July 4, 2016.
Guy Consolmangno, the Vatican’s Chief Astronomer, on balancing the church with the cosmos.
Weekly post for The Rachel Maddow Show featuring the current closest approach between Earth and Mars.
I gave a talk as part of the Pint of Science 2016 Festival on May 25, 2016 at DROM. The theme for the night was "Drink in the Universe" as the event was a collaboration with Astronomy on Tap.
Weekly post for The Rachel Maddow Show featuring a NSAS GIF showing the evolution of Tycho's supernova remnant over the past fifteen years.
My article for Now.Space on our growing knowledge of some peculiar stars in the Big Dipper.
Weekly post for The Rachel Maddow Show featuring a previously unknown dwarf galaxy filled with dark matter hidding in gravitational lens SDP.81.
Article for The Atlantic on how technically capable civilization could alter their transit signal as seen from another planet.
My weekly post for The Rachel Maddow Show featuring evidence for nearby supernovae found on the ocean floor.