Week in Geek - Rube Slowberg

Week in Geek - Rube Slowberg

Still frame from World's Slowest Rube Goldberg | Field Day Presents Bob Partington. Credit: Field Day/YouTube

My weekly post for The Rachel Maddow Show.

Week in Geek: Rube Slowberg edition

You’ve heard of Rube Goldberg machines, right? Well here’s a Rube “Slowberg” machine for you.
Inventor and Director Bob Partington has designed and built the world’s slowest Rube Goldberg machine. It takes over six weeks for his golf ball to go through the entire system where it encounters molasses, melting popsicles, and a turtle. Oh and it literally has to sit and wait for grass to grow. Luckily for you, there’s a time-lapse version that takes less than three minutes.

Also features: spider silk, black widows, the St. Louis arch, and drunk comets. 

Read the full article here.

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